Bonbons au lait cuits au four – je ne les achète pas en magasin, je les fabrique moi-même, ils sont moelleux et très savoureux

If you like sweets with the taste of baked milk, then you should like these sweets. They turn out soft, not cloying and very tasty. Moreover, they require very few products.-4

If you like sweets with the taste of baked milk, then you should like these sweets. They turn out soft, not cloying and very tasty. Moreover, they require very few products.-4
✅J’utilise un mélangeur pour mélanger rapidement, mais vous pouvez également le faire dans un bol à l’aide d’un mélangeur ou d’un fouet à main ordinaire.

If you like sweets with the taste of baked milk, then you should like these sweets. They turn out soft, not cloying and very tasty. Moreover, they require very few products.-5

If you like sweets with the taste of baked milk, then you should like these sweets. They turn out soft, not cloying and very tasty. Moreover, they require very few products.-5
✅Versez la masse en forme, attendez qu’elle refroidisse, puis mettez-la au réfrigérateur pendant 1 à 2 heures.

If you like sweets with the taste of baked milk, then you should like these sweets. They turn out soft, not cloying and very tasty. Moreover, they require very few products.-6

If you like sweets with the taste of baked milk, then you should like these sweets. They turn out soft, not cloying and very tasty. Moreover, they require very few products.-6
✅Nous retirons la masse congelée, la coupons en portions de bonbons (taille, forme à votre discrétion) – et vous pouvez boire du thé !

✅ Conservez les bonbons finis dans un récipient propre sous un couvercle au réfrigérateur jusqu’à 2 semaines.

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