Step 1
In a small bowl, combine the warm water, yeast, and a small amount of sugar. The water should be between 105 and 110F. If it’s too hot, the water will kill off the yeast. If it’s too cold, the yeast won’t activate.

Step 2
Whisk, then leave for 10 minutes until foamy. Place the mastic and mahaleb and a small amount of sugar in a blender and blitz to grind. Set aside.

Step 3
Heat the butter, sugar, and milk in a pot over low so it doesn’t get too hot but is still able to melt the butter. If it gets too hot, the mixture will kill off the yeast when added to the yeast mixture. Then, whisk until the butter melts and the sugar dissolves.

Step 4
Whisk the butter mixture with the eggs.

Step 5
Whisk into the yeast mixture.

Step 6
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